Article preparation

The Organizing Committee of the conference informs that the Proceedings of the Conference will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings, indexed in the international science-based databases of Web of Science and Scopus. The agreement between the Organizing Committee of the conference and AIP Publishing LLC was signed on June 18, 2018. The proceedings of the conference will be available online for authors within one year.

Publication in the collection of proceedings of the conference is possible only with

(1) full participation in the conference,

(2) section recommendations

(3) receiving positive reviews.

Articles should be prepared in high-quality English language in accordance with the requirements of the AIP Conference Proceedings for article preparation (Article Preparation Checklist.pdf). The volume of articles is exactly 4 pages.


Articles should be submitted only in LaTeX format:

Instructions for the article in English: (guide.pdf, guide.tex)

The AIP Conference Proceedings style file: (aip-cp.cls, aipnum-cp.bst)

Sample article using Bibtex to create a list of references: (sample.pdf, sample.tex, sample.bib)

A sample of the article, using the standard Latex methods to create a list of references: (sample1.pdf, sample1.tex)

Graphic files: (

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